o que é flexbox Pode ser divertido para qualquer um

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Once a specification reaches the Candidate Recommendation stage, implementers should release an unprefixed implementation of any CR-level feature they can demonstrate to be correctly implemented according to spec, and should avoid exposing a prefixed variant of that feature. To establish and maintain the interoperability of CSS across implementations, the CSS Working Group requests that non-experimental CSS renderers submit an implementation report (and, if necessary, the testcases used for that implementation report) to the W3C before releasing an unprefixed implementation of any CSS features.

Handle 'align-content: stretch'. If the flex container has a definite cross size, align-content is stretch, and the sum of the flex lines' cross sizes is less than the flex container’s inner cross size, increase the cross size of each flex line by equal amounts such that the sum of their cross sizes exactly equals the flex container’s inner cross size. Collapse visibility:collapse items. If any flex items have visibility: collapse, note the cross size of the line they’re in as the item’s strut size, and restart layout from the beginning. In this second layout round, when collecting items into lines, treat the collapsed items as having zero main size. For the rest of the algorithm following that step, ignore the collapsed items entirely (as if they were display:none) except that after calculating the cross size of the lines, if any line’s cross size is less than the largest strut size among all the collapsed items in the line, set its cross size to that strut size.

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An item’s flex-grow value is effectively a request for some proportion of the free space, with 1 meaning “100% of the free space”; then if the items on the line are requesting more than cem% in Perfeito, the requests are rebalanced to keep the same ratio but use up exactly cem% of it. However, if the items request less

(Issue 12) The min-content cross size and max-content cross size of a flex container are the cross size of the flex container after performing layout into the given available main-axis space and infinite available cross-axis space.

If a single-line flex container has a definite cross size, the outer cross size of any stretched flex items is the flex container’s inner cross size (clamped to the flex item’s min and max cross size) and is considered definite. If the flex container has a definite main size, a flex item’s post-flexing main size is treated as definite, even though it can rely on the indefinite sizes of any flex items in the same line.

the cross size of the line is the cross size of the flex container, and align-content has no effect. Note, this property has no effect when the flex container has only a single line.

In order to preserve the author’s intended ordering in all presentation modes, authoring tools—including WYSIWYG editors as well as Web-based authoring aids—must reorder the underlying document source and not use order to perform reordering unless the author has explicitly indicated that the underlying document order (which determines speech and navigation order) should be out-of-sync

Once the cross size of a flex line has been determined, items in auto-sized flex containers are also considered definite for the purpose of layout; see step 11. Note: The main size of a fully inflexible item with a definite flex basis is, by definition, definite.

Otherwise, size the item into the available space using its used flex basis in place of its main size, treating a value of content as max-content. If a cross size is needed to determine the main size (e.g. when the flex item’s main size is in its block axis) and the flex item’s cross size is auto and not definite, in this calculation use fit-content as the flex item’s cross size.

With this behavior, the item instead gradually takes less of the free space as flex-grow shrinks below 1, smoothly transitioning to taking none of the free space at zero.

Add explicit conformance criteria on authoring tools curso de flexbox to keep presentation and DOM order in sync unless author explicitly indicates a desire to make them out-of-sync. (Issue 8) In order to preserve the author’s intended ordering in all presentation modes, authoring tools—including WYSIWYG editors as well as Web-based authoring aids—must reorder the underlying document source and not use order to perform reordering unless the author has explicitly indicated that the underlying document order (which determines speech and navigation order) should be out-of-sync

as specified … On absolutely positioned elements, a value of Automóvel computes to itself. On all other elements, a value of auto for align-self computes to the value of align-items on the element’s parent, or stretch if the element has pelo parent.

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